marco r. • June 23, 2010be sure to check out the women performing "villain striking" under the overpass at canal road. very hong kong.
Katie F. • March 12, 2017Queue can be very long. Best come in the morning. Amazing views on the way up and at the top. The viewing deck is worth the extra.
Kenneth L. • November 16, 2010Almost guaranteed to have a seat heading west towards Central. Could be sitting on the tram for a while before it gets going.
Dmitry D. • March 8, 2012По трамвайным путям носятся ламборджини и мозерати . Здесь начало разгона на дороге поэтому переходить дорогу надо осторожно
George D. • February 16, 2012Walk the stairs if you don't like crowded escalators. It seems no one uses them to go up.
Jayes S. • March 27, 2017the trams offer a kaleidoscope of sorts, progress, living, nature and romance. the best adventures are indeed the simplest
dindin • May 11, 2012Perfect stop for Southorn Playground, and clubs/pubs like Mes Amis, Cryote, Agave!
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