kebi- i. • February 7, 2020評価 3.7 三陸広田湾産カキのムニエル 焦がしバターとケッパーソース 1400円 ○京橋のフレンチ ランチが安い♥行列店 ○待ち 15分(平日 12:10〜) ○なんとも濃厚なバターの風味に 焦がしの入った醤油? ケッパーによって上品にまとまっとる ウンマイ♥ コレが1400円は破格値!
ML • June 12, 2016The outside seats were very nice, especially in the evening. And I think the chefs are French.
Kenny G. • January 29, 2019Nice people. Enjoyed the steak and pasta. They have an English menu at the back.
Sarp E. • November 26, 2014Very classy and romantic spot overlooking Ginza. Seasonal French food served in an Immaculately decorated dining room.
Vincent T. • May 21, 2015One of the top French restaurants in Tokyo
Melissa G. • July 2, 2020After 21:00, drinks only. It says they’re open until 23:00, but you can’t order food after 21:00, apparently. Wine selection is varied, at least. Not sure I’d come back here.
Sonoe • November 16, 2014女子率の高いブラッセリーで隣席が近いからデートや大人数は不向き。当然ながら少量の盛り。見た目の美しさと素材のよさ、ソースを絡めたメインの味の複雑さを軽い感覚で楽しめるのはよい。サービスが完璧ではなく、なんとなくギャルソンになりきれていない人が多いが、席数の多さとサービス料を取らないところを差し引いてギリギリセーフゾーン。
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