Justin L. • January 14, 2022Fun place to shop for outdoor gear and also for kids to look around. Great road trip stop.
Gainesville Running & Walking W. • July 4, 2016Running Shoes, Racing Shoes, Walking Shoes, Fitness Apparel, Insoles, Moisture Wicking Socks, Supportive Sandals, Sunglasses - Running, Water Bottles, Energy Gels
Moss C. • June 26, 2010G'ville one and only adventure gear-up. Great place if youre bound for non-floridian adventures, but they have water gear too
Bruce B. • June 4, 2012Gary's Tackle Box carries a wide selection of quality fishing gear at very reasonable prices. Expert rod/reel repairs & fishing advice.
UF Student Gov - SG • June 21, 2012Check out their new location near Subway and P.O.D/Freshens and get your bike repaired there for free!
Tim D. • October 10, 2011Excellent customer relations and very honest. Answered my questions about a wet vac and recommended I rent something cheaper, but better for the job.
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