NYC Percent for Art • September 26, 2012It's a bookcase...but it's also art. Check out Claudia DeMonte's colorful and complex sculpture in the children's reading area.
jack f. • July 3, 2014Zelda's will be open this Fourth of July from 10am to 4pm. Awesome indoor summertime memories to be made!
NYC Percent for Art • September 27, 2012Next time you come in, glance up to see Ralph Helmick & Stuart Schechter's amazing hanging sculpture, "Genius." The central figure is an owl, but all the pieces have meaning, if you look for it.
Ian L. • May 1, 2014Dont go anywhere else first. Stop here and you will be glad you did. Outstanding prices
NYC Percent for Art • September 26, 2012Do you know what the multi-colored tiles that you pass every day when you go to school? They're made by George Mason and have symbols from the West Indies and Caribbean.
NYC Percent for Art • September 28, 2012Have you looked closely at Lee Brozgold's beautiful stained glass window, "Beacon"? You might recognize Canarsie neighborhoods, and local plants and animals.
NYC Percent for Art • September 26, 2012Have you noticed Pedro Silva's colorful mural, "Caribbean Sea"? Students helped the artist create the work by cutting and piecing together the tiles.
NYC Percent for Art • September 26, 2012M.L.J. Johnson made a series of totems and a wall mural called "I Can Read" that are visible throughout the library. Make sure you take a look while browsing the shelves.
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