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Suggestions for Brewery near Fairhaven, Bellingham

    • 7.9
      1009 Larrabee Ave (10th Street), Bellingham
      • Kaitlin

        Kaitlin • May 29, 2018On Your Left Hefeweizen was super refreshing for a sunny day! This is also a pretty spacious brewery with lots of seating nooks, both inside and outside.

    • Category icon
      Beer Bar
      1125 Finnegan Way #103, Bellingham
    • 9.5
      S State St & Bayview Dr, Bellingham
      • Boundary Bay (Kate)

        Boundary Bay (Kate) • February 19, 2010From this waterfront park, you can walk on the Interurban trail that will take you all the way downtown & right to Boundary Bay Brewery! Reward yourself with a pint or two after a day in the park.

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