Hal M. • September 24, 2016Great space, snacks and community. My favorite coworking space in downtown Boston.
Mashable • March 20, 2014Intrepid Labs, the co-working space he recently established in the former digs of another co-working space (Dogpatch Labs)
Nancy S. • May 3, 2011Don't forget to check out CM at www.criticalmassne.com for the latest in events, news, entrepreneur rants, etc
Timothy O. • April 6, 2010Boardroom is great for wowing clients!!
Yechi E. • May 16, 2013Come say hi to GeckoCap... We are at the left side of the space!
Jesse J. • November 30, 2014One of Google's most recently renovated campuses. The design and layout is very Boston, with themed phone rooms and common spaces.
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