Sean D. • August 2, 2011Current construction on the waterfront makes getting out of the area more difficult
Richard L. • September 23, 2010Take classes here, and get to spend your day in the oldest, and most beautifully restored, building on campus.
Jennifer K. • August 10, 2013This is a park area located in an area that could be described as "southern" in orientation.
Ben B. • May 20, 2014The indoor track is above McDonald's... Mmm fresh fries.
Portland State University • September 6, 2011Throughout the year, QRC works with students and community agencies to do education and outreach to celebrate events such as National Coming Out Day, Trans Remembrance Day and World AIDS Day.
Kevin S. • August 7, 2011$3 adult admission (free for PSU students) & free popcorn. What's not to love?
Phoebe V. • December 7, 2011This place is quiet and good place to do homework :)
John L. • November 22, 2012If you want the store to validate parking, be sure to park at the Smart Park on 3rd and Alder. If your vehicle is in the Alder Street garage across the street, the store does not validate there.
Chanele N. • July 8, 2011More than just PSU offices!
James N. • January 11, 2010Quiet lounge on the fourth floor is good for getting away from the marketing majors.
Portland State University • September 6, 2011DMSS is home to programs including Latino Student Services, the Multicultural Center, African American Student Services, and the TRIO programs.
Kari Anne M. • September 13, 2011Get free condoms and sanitary products here for free! Also had super comfy couches to relax on!
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