Lauma Z. • January 20, 2015I've been here in the mornings, afternoons and evenings and it is always the same thing - queues,queues and more queues. Out of 15 desks only like 3 are working, no wonder why you have to wait.
European Parliament • March 22, 2012Informējot, organizējot pasākumus un atbildot uz pilsoņu jautājumiem par Eiropas Savienību, Parlamenta informācijas biroji spēlē būtisku lomu Eiropas Savienības tuvināšanā jums.
Carl G. • November 28, 2015Beautiful group of buildings. No.17 is Latvia's oldest building.
Jenna Rose R. • August 15, 2018Make sure to arrange for the guided tour ahead of time or you won't get to see the cells and other highlights.
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