Harlem A. • September 29, 2012This gallery is the best kept secret in Harlem! It is under a b&b and across the street from a jazz bar with. Great garden in the rear for sipping Pinot grigio when the mood arises.
Marc S. • September 23, 2011They've completed the repairs of the illuminated panel and waterfall.
Koboy • September 8, 2014Tip : come early in the morning before school and ask the man working in the playground to come in and to take some pics. He answered yes and asked me to be quick
Fabio • November 15, 2013Great place friday afterrnoons just before sunset.
The New York Daily News • March 28, 2011PHOTO: Abbie Hoffman at the foot of the Alma Mater encourages students to disobey all laws in a 1970 demonstration, at the link!
Tom C. • March 26, 2012One of my favorite public art pieces in NY. A worthwhile stop on any NY visit.
Mandola Joe • October 31, 2011The statue is notable because it survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, standing a little more than a mile from ground zero.
Mandola Joe • September 20, 2011Do you have a Danish friend visiting the City? You must bring them here...
Derek W. • September 30, 2012Enjoy the statue on Park Drive East, runners and Park patrons, until late October. It moves to Park Drive West for Marathon week in sight of the finish line.
Mandola Joe • November 3, 2011Charles Andrew Hafner (1889-1960) created this bronze sculpture of Peter Pan in 1928 for a fountain in the lobby of the old Paramount Theater in Times Square.
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