Sunny P. • May 27, 2012bring a sweatshirt because temperatures can vary
AISR • September 23, 2011On the 3rd floor of the library we are trying out new light fixtures in the study carrels. Sit and study at the "test" carrel. Don't forget to fill out the questionnaire.
Jacob A. • October 19, 2011Don't sit at the table section. People don't understand the concept of a library and it turns into a yelling competition.
Ivy Agnes N. • May 3, 2015Very good library for community college. Even has more advanced maths books than classes offered. Abstract Algebra, Analysis, Topology, Partial Differential Equations, theoretical Linear Algebra.
Kathleen G. • April 3, 2013Need your ID to get in. One of very few places where you need to have it.
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