California State University, Chico • April 18, 2011Home to our theatre department, the PAC holds everything Chico State students need to create a fabulous performance.
Fabio W. • June 16, 2013Awesome place to workout. Go in the morning if you don't like crowded places.
Lorena R. • December 10, 2012Chico High is the best high school in Chico. You will have the best experience ever if you attend. Panther Pride!
California State University, Chico • May 13, 2011One of two athletic gymnasiums on campus, it’s named for Jane Wells Shurmer, teacher, scholar, and coach from 1938 to 1968, for her contributions to physical education and women's athletics.
California State University, Chico • May 13, 2011A one-stop spot for all student resources. The SSC was designed to meet the University’s sustainability standards by achieving LEED Gold Certification.
ChicoState C. • May 22, 2012Come by during our drop-in period in SSC 270 from 1-4 p.m. daily (when school is in session) for a resume or cover letter review!
California State University, Chico • May 13, 2011Housing the AS Bookstore, auditorium, and Common Grounds, the BMU offers students all of their school supplies and more.
Jon M. • August 31, 2011Chico State is awesome. The second oldest CSU campuses and certainly one of the prettiest. Aside from the wonderful classes the party scene is unbelievable! I love it here! Really nice people!
California State University, Chico • May 13, 2011Implementing sustainable practices throughout the AS departments. Make sure to check out the open internships, paid positions, and volunteer opportunities if you are a sustainable thinker!
California State University, Chico • May 13, 2011Home of the College of Business faculty offices, classroom, and advising services.
California State University, Chico • May 13, 2011Community Action Volunteers in Education. This program offers a range of 15 different volunteer programs to help out the community.
California State University, Chico • May 13, 2011Home to the College of Agriculture. And did you know the basement of this building serves as the home to the student-run newspaper the Orion? Stop by and say hi!
California State University, Chico • May 13, 2011Writers, editors and designers, oh, my! Tehama is home to the communication department as well as Tehama Group Communications, the oldest student-managed PR agency in the country.
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