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Suggestions for Sports and Recreation near Caballito, Buenos Aires

    • 7.8
      Federico García Lorca 350 (e/ Bogotá y Av. Avellaneda), Buenos Aires
      • Leandro R.

        Leandro R. • November 14, 2013Wifi buffet: clubferro

    • 8.5
      Av. Ángel Gallardo (e/ Av. Díaz Vélez y Av. Patricias Argentina), Buenos Aires
      • Violeta Deyapa

        Violeta Deyapa • October 11, 2011While you're here, make a stop at "La panadería de Frank", on Ambrosetti 901. Best croissants and pains au chocolat in town! In fact, French expats come here from every neighbourhood looking for them.

    • Category icon
      Gym and Studio
      Hortiguera 423 (esq. Pedro Goyena), Capital Federal
      • Vero R. #.

        Vero R. #. • November 5, 2011Un lugar increíble en Hortiguera y P. Goyena!!! Días de Spa!!! La peluquería es excelente!!! Manicura!! Pedicu!! Todo en un mismo lugar!!! Salgo echa una Reyna 

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