Anastasiya S. • March 6, 2014Love it! Good for body, soul and concentration. One of the most challenging workouts. Be sure to come 10-15 prior the class, latecomers are not admitted.Enjoy.
/\/|/\/\|>* • February 18, 2013the best yoga place in town, great teachers plus yummy vegan restaunt!
vazsu • September 22, 2011Hatha jóga, hot jóga, iyengar jóga, power jóga, vinyasa flow, hot ashtanga, gyerekjóga, kismama jóga, dinamikus jóga, pilates és body art.
Andrea M. • April 12, 2015On Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday you can ask the instructor to guide you in English. It's not really a bilingual practice but it's better than nothing!
Anna R. • April 20, 2017Annak ellenére, hogy hallani az utca zaját képesek olyan hangulatot teremteni, hogy megfeledkezel a Bartók Béla útról. 90 perc, 100% kikapcsolódás.
Ron [Dia] S. • April 28, 2012nagyon jó kis hely, jófej és normális oktatókkal. a melegtől meg nem kell megijedni, nem olyan durva :)
Gyozo N. • April 4, 2016I like the Himalaya yoga class which I take every Monday since September of 2014;) Dea is the best teacher:)
Réka Manon • February 1, 2016Mostly a special way of yoga, Bindusar classes but ashtanga as well. There are individual classes/massage too. I missed the lead relaxation in the end..
We Love Budapest • October 3, 2014This two-floor gym is separate from the restaurant, but similarly to its “sibling” in Pest, also has a small shop with towels, yoga mats and shower gels (the selection here is a bit more limited).
Nora S. • November 4, 2010just across the street at the back of Corvin Áruház, Kék Lótusz offers a variety of courses and trainings. Their hot yoga (svedana) is especially good.
vazsu • January 9, 2016At my first time, I came out at the beginning of the class. The instructor wasn't such a peaceful person, the room smelled like mold, there was too much people everywhere. On Saturday. Never again! :(
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