Veronica V. • April 8, 2015Tasty vegan food in buffet and great shop with variety of vegan products :)
Cynthia B. • January 12, 2020Wonderful selection of handmade chocolates...don’t forget to try the hot chocolate, a bit of heaven in a cup.
Hana J. • April 5, 2014Fresh veggies, eggs, meat, goat products, even fish. Lovely tulips to start the season. Stalls with cakes, chocolates, vine. Ready food incl. pasta, sausages, shrimp. I'll be back next week!
Tomas J. • May 9, 2017Velice příjemný obchod i majitel. Velký výběr piva. Majitel je expert na pivo. Dobré i víno. Láhvové i točené. Často i dvě piva na čepu.
Jitka B. • August 13, 2015Good place to try cloth from e-shop. And after It, you can decide if you want the cloth or shoe and pay for it
Henry C. • August 12, 2014Výborný hommos. Zkuste taky syrové kuličky v olivovém oleji, nebudete litovat.
Adley • August 25, 2017Super nová prodejna na Praze 7. Sortiment se bude rozšiřovat, milej hipster prodavač a eco drogerii si můžete doplňovat do svých nádob. Bacha na zavíračku, ta se mění každý měsíc podle západu slunce!
Natalia K. • March 23, 2017Customer-oriented place for getting minimalistic shoes. Diagnostics is strongly recommended. Guys absolutely know what you need.
M@rek • July 20, 2020A brand new shopping center, even though there are maybe more than needed in Prague. Everything is still new and clean. Many shops to visit.
Mezera T. • January 6, 2014Kopirovani pekne 'postaru'. Pockate si par minut ve fronte, pak se vas ujme jeden ze 4 prodejcu. Pokud chcete neco extra, treba tisknout z flesky, jdete s prodejcem 'dozadu'. Oldschool, ale ceny ok.
Knihkupectví Luxor ©. • September 8, 2022Zkraťte si čekání na svůj spoj domů v našem knihkupectví Luxor ve stanici metra A Dejvická.
Rudy T. • November 19, 2015Amazing variety of cloths! Different patterns, textures and materials. Great prices as well
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