Denethor G. • May 17, 2013Best place to buy plants, vegetbles, eggs and simmilar stuf in Brno. Often streight from farmers or only from their "firs tier buyers".
Liam P. • October 14, 2016Fascinating place. All kinds of cheap stuff for sale & some inexpensive authentic restaurants. Recommended!
Radoslav H. • February 24, 2015Don't walk in if you are allergic to molds or dust! Air quality is terrible (and so are their prices).
Adéla P. • August 30, 2017Moc hezké místo, zatím bohužel poloprázdné. Doporučuji si zajít na vyhlídku za střeše. Vyjít / Vyjet do posledního patra a pak po bezpečnostních schodech nahoru, šipky vás budou navigovat.
Michaela L. • May 23, 2015Sklizeno jak ma byt - pecivo, dobroty, jogurty, uzeniny, syr, mila obsluha .. a prijimaji platbu kartou!
Sharon D. • January 5, 2016Square in the middle of Brno. Several cafes around the edge. A great place to sit and watch the world go by
Atrament Von C. • March 16, 2019Vietnamese wholesale store with great prices, and it's even cheaper if you have their card. Food is really cheap and the choice is more wide than in most Czech stores.
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