Marek L. • October 20, 2014Peaceful place in the heart of the town. Headquarters of many NGOs. Perfect educational playground for kids. Delicious snacks in buffet.
Tereza C. • October 10, 2014Good for jogging, teaching kids how to ride a biked and playing all kinds of sports with friends. Great for dates!
Denethor G. • May 17, 2013Best place to buy plants, vegetbles, eggs and simmilar stuf in Brno. Often streight from farmers or only from their "firs tier buyers".
Marek L. • March 21, 2014Great viewpoint over Medlánky airport and northern part of Brno. Sunsets are simply amazing here! :-)
johnny k. • February 20, 2014greath place, specially at summer time to chill on green or just enjoy the view..i jad greath memmories from this place long time ago before cameras was instaled here :-))
Karolina K. • December 29, 2015Nice place where to spend your free time during summer. Also good for a walk during winter.
Nisa • October 27, 2015Superb landscape in autumn and a beautiful view of the city. The cafe on top is absolutely affordable and you get to see Brno from above.
Kašpárek 🃏 • September 29, 2013Památník dělnických demonstrací nabízí asi nejhezčí výhled na Brno. I v chladné dny bývá hezky vyhřátý sluncem.
Petr D. • April 2, 2016Nice and interesting place in Brno. Light effects together with running water are awesome. One of the nicest places in Brno.
Michal • November 6, 2015Safe place between trams ;-)
jarda v. • December 16, 2015Best for visiting is spring - March/April - when pasque flowers (Koniklec) begin to bloom...
Milan O. • July 28, 2015You can visit by car, bike, bus or boat. Nice architecture and castle area. Some summer events.
Vojtěch • May 13, 2016Ducks, marijuana, trees, birds and can see all these things from the roof of the greenhouse - for free!
Agrimonia E. • August 28, 2012Betonová gravitační hráz má v koruně šířku 7,14 m a délku 120 m, v nadmořské výšce 233,72 m ční 23,5 m nade dnem. Hydroelektrárna využívá jednu Kaplanovu turbínu o výkonu 2,88 MW.
Michal • July 15, 2016Save space from trams, danger by cars
Norbert A. • July 8, 201911 very cute Alpakas. Very friendly guide who also explains everything in English. Entrance fee CZK 50, Animal food CZK 20. Accessible by bus with a 500 meter walk up the hill. Excellent view on Brno.
Tomáš O. • April 7, 2010Take your mate and go there for a walk. Climb up and view Brno from the hilltop.
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