Gilberto B. • August 17, 2010Currently the elite school of Rio de Janeiro. The place to sign up your children if you want to use them for getting acquainted with the rich. A weird place where Brazilian kids speak English to each
Henrique A. • November 22, 2010On the campus again :-)
carla p. • October 29, 2016Impressionante como estão investindo na faculdade. Contrataram ótimos professores de Direito e fizeram manutenção no prédio. Estão de parabéns! Obrigada por valorizar nosso CV
Henrique A. • October 25, 2010material do departamento
Aziz A. • August 2, 2012Cool location for safety in Rio and close to the nice beaches. However, it has a slow internet connection.
Raphaela V. • October 7, 2013Senha wifi: facha21023100 😊
Nathalia B. • June 10, 2014Sou apaixonada pelo ambiente e professores. E, claro, pelos macaquinhos que nos acompanham sempre
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