Tudor L. • April 9, 2012The intermediate stop before you get to Sugarloaf Mountain. It's worth it to stop here on the way up or down and check out the views from here.
Joice • March 31, 2013This garden is part of Republic museum and you can be here during the week until 6PM. There is a park for kids. Sometimes on weekend you can sit and listen Chorinho: traditional Carioca music.
Sung P. • September 4, 2013The chopper rides are a bit pricey, but hey, great views. Even if you don't want to pay for it, you can still have a great view from near the helipad.
Alastair S. • January 31, 2020This club is beautiful - amazing facilities for Brazilian youth sailors & a special background of mountains of Rio de Janeiro. Free coffee from the lady around the corner, but remember to return cups!
Rene Jose F. • February 14, 2016Really nice place. You can go there for the restaurante upstairs or to seat outside. Both options are great. The food is really good.
Chloe H. • February 5, 2015Check out indie films. Grab a coffee and a "salgadinho" in the café. And the bookstore is a must, featuring gifts, DVDs and imported magazines.
Paulo M. • September 29, 2019Beautiful place and it’s free on Wednesdays and Sundays. Good place to family hangouts
Adriana V. • October 23, 2011The restaurant is very small. But the food is great quality and quantity by small prices. I like to buy and take home: kafta, hummus, rice and lentils, stuffed peppers...
Luiz F. • July 27, 2018Área para lazer, fazer exercícios, caminhar, andar de bike, curtir as belezas naturais.
Luciana V. • August 2, 2015Best beach on south area in Rio. During the week is perfect to do a picnic and relax.
Higor M. • January 13, 2015Ensaios da Orquestra voadora aos domingos, ao anoitecer. Bom chegar cedo para curtir o Aterro do Flamengo, pedalando, patinando ou correndo. Bom lugar tbm para se fazer um piquenique.
Marcelo B. • February 2, 2015It's a fairly easy trail of about 40min that leads up to the first mount of Pão de Açúcar ( Sugar Loaf ), it has a great view!
Robert O. • February 27, 2015Thursday its for free. Bring your student card for 50% off. wifi pw: barmam10
J D. • August 12, 2016Delicious. Gelato a la romana! Try pistacchio and any of the dark chocolates. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Celmar D. • July 15, 2015Small and warm park in laranjeiras. Great place to seat down and relax in the middle of the nature
Francisca N. • February 11, 2017Great restaurant at Marina da Glória! The meat is top quality! Loved the Bife de Chouriço! The dessert was delicious: Panqueca (crepe) de doce de leite! Definitely recommended!
Cris L. • June 8, 2010Excellent bookstore for any cinephile. Care of first. Just missing some promotion for loyalty. ;)