Florida Atlantic University • July 11, 2011Take a look at the Interactive Seating Map at http://fau.io-media.com/ to get a first glance look at at actual views from inside the stadium!
Stefon N. • March 12, 2012Get to class early the hallsways here can get crowded
Jenna S. • October 7, 2016The staff is very helpful and personal which is so important when you're planning your future! I can't thank the academic advisors enough for all of the help they've given me!
Florida Atlantic University • August 2, 2011If you're a College of Ed student and need to use a computer, check out the Education Student Computer Lab on the 3rd floor.
FAU C. • February 14, 2012Try one of the free events happening daily!
Jason P. • February 19, 2013Talent. Sweet precious talent. Like gold, but better.
Colleen A. • November 29, 2010The Shepherd's pie is so good, and authentic! Don't forget to add the optional cheese on top.
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