Emerson MarComm • March 30, 2012We are hosting an event "Women in Nonprofit and Government Communication" on 4/5 from 6-8pm in the Beard Room. #CommWeek
Emerson MarComm • March 25, 2012Did you know that as a current ESM student you can earn 3 points of extra credit for every 12 check-ins? Not bad.
Jason P. • October 26, 2011Urban College is an amazing school that is geared towards people who work full time and are either exploring a new career path or going through professional development.
Emily S. • February 14, 2011Computer lab on the first floor usually has room, if you need to print something, come here. You can be in and out quickly.
Kass M. • December 4, 2012This building reminds me of Hogwarts it connects to Donahue and gets really confusing.
Angela C. • October 12, 2011A lot of classes in the Communications and Journalism department are held here.. Prepare yourself to spend a lot of time here especially if you're a Broadcast Journalism student! Mac lab= new home
Peggy C. • June 26, 2012student leadership & involvement is on the 4th floor and has a pool and ping pong table and cable tv
SUMO s. • February 6, 2012The back room is usually quieter than the main room, if you're looking to study.
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