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Suggestions for Eastern European Restaurant near Altstadt - St. Lorenz, Nuremberg

    • 8.1
      Eastern European€€€
      Maxfeldstr. 79, Nürnberg
      • Tav

        Tav • January 26, 2019Best goulash ever!

    • 6.5
      Eastern European€€€
      Hummelsteiner Weg 55, Nürnberg
      • Kristina r.

        Kristina r. • August 5, 2015I went here again to have some more of their food. I have to recommend strawberry jam crepes with vanilla ice cream and their platters with assortment of grilled meat.

    • ?
      Eastern European€€€
      Schwabacher Str., Nürnberg
    • Category icon
      Gostenhofer Hauptstr. 37, Nürnberg
      • Emre K.

        Emre K. • January 18, 2018alles perfekt weiter so😋😄

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