Deandra T. • December 5, 2013The soba miso soup is pretty darn good. Buy your ticket at the machine by the door with your Pasmo/Suica.
Rajkumar S. • June 12, 2018Good food .... fresh to taste and reasonably priced. It's small but pretty cosy and vibrant place ... nice homely atmosphere .
Jeffrey B. • October 30, 2013Leave room for the exquisite dessert cart offerings 🍰. Well worth the wait! 👍
Andre V. • December 12, 2015Great selection of Oysters and other seafood. Really fast and friendly service as well. Nice atmosphere.
Cathy C. • October 17, 2019Reopened. New menu costs ¥1,300 and includes only two options: world plate and veggie plate. World plate had 3 mains to chose from plus several options for sides (can choose 4). Pay in advance
Marie. T. • February 17, 2020店前のカルテに食べたいものを番号で記載してカウンター支払うスタイル。メニューは週替わりで、主菜、副菜、アス米(雑穀米)or 白米の分量をそれぞれ選ぶ。味噌汁はセットにくっついてくる。
paipoi • October 21, 20142014/10/22CBC「あさチャン!」東京・皇居ランナーに大人気、運動と栄養をサポート。鹿屋体育大学監修、栄養バランス重視の運動選手向け料理が特徴。レシートに男女別の1日摂取目安カロリー・メニューの総カロリー・栄養素の量が記載。
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