Kenpachi Z. • June 8, 2019バウムクーヘンのサンドイッチが食べられる珍しいお店。サーモンの塩気とバウムクーヘンの甘みがマッチしていて、旅の前の腹ごしらえには良いかも。写真より小さいのはご愛嬌。
Richard S. • September 14, 2014Quite a nice "tonkatsu" (friend breaded pork), Japanese version of schnitzel, but better, located at the airport.
Andrew S. • March 8, 2015Great place to enjoy reasonably priced and simple Japanese cuisine before or after a flight. Not in the main restaurant area so easy to miss.
Jo • February 3, 2019Convenient place to wait for arrivals or to work - several seats with power socket and a mixed international menu. Can be quite crowded at times though..
Grace A. • October 28, 2019Delicious food for an airport! I am amazed. 1800 yen for a great set of food. Tuna sashimi with rice and shredded tuna is recommended. Just lovely and a bargain at the price.
Akku c. • February 10, 2020早めに羽田に着いたので、かねてより濃いコーヒーとともにおすすめと聞いていた丸福カリーをいただきました。具は大きめのビーフが一枚とらっきょうが数個。あとの具は溶けてるのかな。スパイスがキリリと効いていて、昔ながらの硬派なカリーでした。
つじやん@底辺YouTuber • May 25, 2018クレジットカードの使えるSUBWAY。クレジットカードは少額でも電子署名が必要です。レジにSUBWAYのミニカーが飾られてました。
William N. • July 30, 2024Interior is a tad cramped and it's popular among the Japanese, so it's not so easy to get a seat inside. If you sit inside, there's free water and egg. The alternative is to order takeout.
Grace A. • October 28, 2019I was skeptical about trying a soybean shake but loved it after just one sip. This is a must try in Sendai that you won’t find elsewhere. It’s about $3,70 for a small cup.
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