いんでぶ • December 28, 2021都電荒川線(東京さくらトラム)の終点です。新目白通りの真ん中にあります。東京メトロ東西線の早稲田駅からは徒歩10分ほどかかるので、乗り換えの際は要注意。
nocturnics • July 10, 2017Such a huge station an within walking distance to the godzilla head kit kat chocolatier an many other things
Jeff A. • April 3, 2012Red Arrow express passengers: Buy your alcohol BEFORE you get in the gate, otherwise it will be a "dry" trip to Hon Kawagoe.
Yoram C. • November 8, 2019Many platforms but the massive departure panel makes it easy to know which one to use. Can be super crowded at rush hour. The Keio Shinsen platform is accessible via platform 3 and it is a long walk.
makabond • August 5, 2011タカシマヤ、紀伊国屋にいくならこの改札が最も近くなった。改札出るとユニクロ、ニューデイズ(コンビニ)、グッドタイムス(カフェ、レストラン)が目の前にあります。
ainee k. • October 18, 2014Can find few shops sell halal groceries..few halal restaurant ..& also super marvelous kebab =)
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