Lana C. • April 9, 2017One of fav places in Tokyo. Beautiful park- worth a visit and picnic here! Closes at 4:30
James W. • July 6, 2013Not the best place to visit in the middle of a heat wave, but a great selection of plants and flowers to look at.
Cian O. • September 18, 2017Great view of Fuji on a clear day from north observatory. Great view of the city at night! It's also FREE!
Ъ 🇦🇺🇪🇺🇷🇴🇲🇩🇮🇱 • December 15, 2016Great view of Tokyo from above. And it's free, hey!
Korrina D. • June 4, 2018The best gardens I’ve been to in Tokyo so far. Lots of shade and lovely neat grass to rest on.
Mimi • July 24, 2015A beautiful clean park with trimmed hedges and trees, there's not many flowers though. The grass is a bit hard when you sit on it without a picnic mat. Check out the green house too!
Rue. S. • June 9, 2022皇太子裕仁親王 (後の昭和天皇) の御成婚を記念して、1927 年に台湾在住邦人から献上された建物。設計は台湾総督府技師でもあった森山松之助。反り返った棟は「燕尾脊」という閩南建築の特徴…ではあるのだが、流石にちょっと反り返りすぎじゃないかな。木々をバックに池に映る姿は必見。
Yao X. • July 9, 2016期間限定スカイ パラダイス ビーア ガーデンで肉グルメ、プロシュート(生ハム)、サルシッチャ(腸詰め)、ブラックアンガス牛のステーキ、魚介のフリット、バックリブステーキ、飲み放題付きコース4500園は超お得
Juan B. • April 15, 2016Lovely rooftop garden on top of OIOI - great place to chill when the weather is nice.
Yiğit Y. • December 3, 2023Sigara sadece böyle alanlarda içilmeli. Normalde kokusundan rahatsız olmuyorum ama sigarasız ortam öylesine güzeldi ki alıştığımız için rahatsız olmuyormuşum belli ki. Artık koku burnuma vuruyor
Michael M. • May 19, 2015Lovely park to hang out. Visit the main Shrine, one of the most beautiful in Tokyo.
id:ken_wood キ. • November 14, 2023それ程大きくはないが、様々な樹木あり、水辺あり、広場あり、高低差あり、空中回廊あり、と盛りだくさんなとても良い公園。自転車置き場もあり。
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