うな吉 • March 4, 2017平日ランチで訪問。ドリンク&デザート付¥1250で、女性には程よいボリューム。原宿だけど客層は年齢層が高めの女性が多く、店内も落ち着いた雰囲気。個人的にはとても居心地が良かったです☕️
Lucy F. • June 22, 2017The Frozen Mountain is so good! The ice cream mixes perfectly with the popcorn and cotton candy - not too sweet 👌
Julia G. • March 25, 2016Really nice and pretty restaurant, all plates come with salad, soup, rice and dessert, totally worth the price. You can also ask for knife and fork.
朝日奈 • May 18, 2022狭い。完全予約制で家族連れ、観光客が入れなくてかわいそうだった。なぜ高い入場料を払ってコラボ飯ばかり食べているのか疑問に思いながらもノベルティのため注文してしまう。コラボはコスパ最悪。
Lucy F. • June 25, 2017The Frozen Mountain is sooo good! This popcorn, cotton candy, ice cream mix is perfect together - the ice cream isn't too sweet and balances out the sweet popcorn
Tim H. • April 2, 2017You can smell this spot from outside the station. It's intoxicating. And everything is super tasty!
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