Angela H. • October 4, 2018One of the best BBQ beef place in Tokyo, must go for me every time when back there. Can book a month in advance
Brian W. • April 23, 2017Crazy good deal. All you can eat BBQ in 45 minutes for 950 yen. It's a bit of a wait to get in but well worth it.
Fuyuhiko T. • March 16, 2014Speciality of this Zagat rated Restaurant is a beef tongue dish esp. grilled beef tongue, boiled tongue, and tongue stew. Tables are full soon after opening time. Hurry up ! Cash only for payments.
Mayumi O. • September 3, 2016希少部位の焼肉に、珍しい銘柄も含む各種日本酒が飲み放題で日本酒好きには堪らないお店🍶20名以上貸切が条件ですが、6500円の元は飲めなくても取れるはず♪お肉ゴロゴロの美味しいカレー、〆に冷麺もついてきます💕
Kenji N. • December 27, 2013壷漬けカルビのコスパは最高! カルビより上ロースがうまい。ザブトンとカイノミはかなりおいしいぞ。 カイノミはステーキのようにレアでやいて塩で仕上げるのがおすすめ。
Fuyuhiko T. • December 27, 2018This restaurant offers BBQ of Bear, Deer, boar and so on. Taste is fine but alcohol ( beer, sake and etc) price is a little bit pricy.
ぽこにゃん • August 31, 2013お水を下さいとお願いするとお水の他に麦茶もある事を教えてくれて、どちらか自由に選べます。お金を払ってメニューにあるウーロン茶を頼むよりも、サービスの麦茶を飲む方が断然お得☆彡
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