モリチャン タ. • March 18, 2017自家製ソーセージのホットドッグはパンも美味しい。特製ローストビーフサンドはBBQソースが人気らしいけど私はビネガーソースとエーデルピルスビールと合って好き
Cheen T. • April 11, 2023The pancakes are made with ricotta, making them fluffy & moist. Enjoyed our seasonal strawberry topping ones!
Potato • April 11, 2021Volume and tasty burger ! Fresh ingredient ! One of the best burger in Tokyo ?! There is a lot of side menus.
Shamael A. • October 9, 2014Really good, fluffy pancakes. They also offer a side salad with the pancakes... Go figure! :)
Andrea B. • June 25, 2015American-themed diner. Good for a change of you've eaten rice for a couple of weeks. The burgers are nothing to write home about.
Kai U. • November 23, 2013外はさくさく、中はふわふわなパンケーキが揃う店。トッピングもアメリカンな感じですごくボリューミー。トッピングの追加ができるから、自分好みのパンケーキが作れる。食事はロミロミ、ロコモコなどのハワイ料理が揃っている。
Jon W. • April 17, 2011If the burger is off the menu, the pastrami beef sandwich is a decent alternative.
Emily K. • September 30, 2014Greasy burgers that hit the spot every time. The restaurant is designed like a classic American diner.
Mari • August 9, 2019Come for lunch and get a lunch set. The food is really good and very aesthetic.
Jose C. • May 29, 2015This is considered the best maido cafe in Roppongi. It's 1100 Yen per hour and then 550 for each half hour thereafter. You should experience it at least once!
Eric E. • July 1, 2017It's a Japanese diner serving mainly grilled fish. Very quiet, authentic, and good. It may be challenging to eat and debone fish using chopsticks, but it's definitely worth it.
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