高手놀리밑™ • December 3, 2015This is a cross between a coworking space and cafe. It costs ¥1000 / day for a desk here which includes a complementary drink
(´-ω-`) • November 26, 2022外観やロビーは昭和っぽいですがホール内部はリニューアルされているようで、前の席との間隔もゆったり目になってます。一階席前の方は傾斜かなり緩めでスタンディングになると前の人が邪魔でステージかなり見ずらいです。
Daniel W. • July 6, 2018Great re-purposed objects for the home, along with new well designed ones as well.
Upa H. • May 19, 2015内装、音楽、食器までお洒落な雰囲気のお店です。ランチは4種類あり、珈琲か紅茶つきで¥850〜950。自家製ミートソースがとても美味しかったです。+¥150〜でサラダやケーキもつけられます。
Kim H. • December 19, 2013This place is fantastic! Best Thai food I've ever had. Each dish is made one by one by one woman in the kitchen, which is right behind the bar. So well done! Drinks are awesome too!
Jimena P. • March 13, 2016One of the few gift shops that stays open until late! Also the view at night is amazing so it's worth going there by night.
Hide K. • May 20, 2016I stumbled across this place by Googling to find good eats around Komazawa. I was literally mesmerized by the quality and how delicious everything were from start to finish! Highly recommended!◡̈⃝
angorausagi • June 27, 2018卵ふわふわのボリューミーなキッシュが食べられる。なのでキッシュプレートも食欲がないときには十分満足できる量。ランチにつけられるドリンクのバラエティが多いのも良い。レモネードのホットとアイスが選べる。ワインもあるw
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