Richard • January 23, 2016Very cool shop selling books, cards, mugs, posters, maps, posters, games, lots of fun stuff!!
Nandia A. • December 7, 2014I really liked this bookstore! Big variety of books, polite service and a cute little café on the inside of the store!
Nia S. • May 31, 2019Unbelievably cozy, they have tons of books, good coffee and beautiful art exhibitions👌🏼💕
velislava p. • October 20, 2013Ако не откривате някоя книга, издирват, намират и доставят. Книжарницата е огромна, продължете навътре и вляво :) + гигантски избор на детски игри/чки и всякакви неща.
Madlen N. • September 19, 2015Great place to have a meeting, study or chat with a friend. Pleanty of books! The coffee is good and the staff is cute and friendly. Even the kids have a corner!!!
Teodora L. • January 17, 2015Not the best bookstore - books are scattered, service is not particularly good, and not enough titles.
Silviya N. • October 10, 2014One of the most visited places in Mall Sofia, it speaks from itself why. You can find your book there for sure. Enjoy reading!
Teodora L. • September 21, 2015One of my favorite places in Sofia! Besides the plenty book options, you can find lots of board games, like Carcasson, which the smaller bookstores haven't even heard of.
Radoslav D. • January 19, 2015Not a big one, but I always find what I'm searching for! The service is very good!
ROI Communication • October 3, 2012"Ноември" от ROI Books е вече на книжния пазар!
Dess S. • January 8, 2015The best bookstore ever with rare books and friendly staff. Totaly in love :)
El H. • March 27, 2012Доста голям избор от книги, но персонала е винаги доста нервен и все викат по клиентите си.
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