Мартин К. • July 21, 2016Iconic Bulgarian history and artifacts. Tanks/artillery are a bonus.
Jesse J. • November 14, 2015For a few USD, you can easily spend half a day admiring the taxidermy animals, learning about crystals and avoiding the spider section. :)
Phil W. • August 27, 2016The prehistory wing is the must-see here. Typical archaeological museum, with little explanation of the artifacts, though the collection is respectable.
Andre-Louis M. • January 22, 2017It was sad to see that this place is not yet quite popular for its exhibitions are nicely arranged and worth seeing. Like it and will visit again soon.
Ivan P. • October 18, 2015Многопластов античен гробищен комплекс под сегашната базилика. Можеше да има малко повече информация.
Matt H. • July 14, 2023Imaginative immersive art/living museum installation telling the story of an communist family and life under Bulgarian dictatorship.
Elena S. • May 18, 2014Срамно е къщата-музей на един от най-известните ни и изявени поети да бъде в такова състояние! Фасадата е излющена, стените - напукани, позорно е да се оставя в такова състояние.
Аз чета • August 24, 2011"Изгубени в литературна София": Отговори на 5 въпроса от литературната история на София
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