Mareks M. • September 9, 2014Andelemandele GRAND, September 2014 | Ieejas maksa GRAND Andelē & KIDS zonā no plkst. 11:00-15:00: 2 EUR , pēc plkst. 15:00: bezmaksas, Bērniem līdz 12g.v. ieeja bezmaksas
Doma Hostel in Riga • June 4, 2013One of the best shopping malls in Riga. If you have to go for some clothes - this is the right place.
Delna S. • May 18, 2012Panorama Plaza veikala karkasa būvniecība notikusi bez būvatļaujas, ignorējot būvniecību regulējošos normatīvus. Būvnieki atzina, ka nav saskaņoti ēkas tehniskie parametri, taču darbi tika turpināti.
Rubén M. • September 25, 2012A shopping mall which inside clearly reminds me of a cruise. Don't miss the book store in the last floor + the amazing views from the roof while enjoying a drink.
Nordea 4sq L. • February 23, 2012Nordea kredītkaršu klientiem atlaide 10% pirkumam.
Paula Z. • April 4, 2013Get food, pet stuff (or even a new pet!) and some good cosmetics. What else do you need?
Nordea 4sq L. • February 23, 2012Nordea kredītkaršu klientiem atlaide 10% pirkumam.
Lauma Z. • January 20, 2015I've been here in the mornings, afternoons and evenings and it is always the same thing - queues,queues and more queues. Out of 15 desks only like 3 are working, no wonder why you have to wait.
LiveRiga • July 29, 2013Check-in Special: Order something to the office and receive a Dove's Farm candy bar.
Happy Dance S. • September 24, 2014Var maksāt par komunāliem pakalpojumiem. Superforšās un jautrās kasieres, kas pēc 5. vizītes jau tevi atpazīst.
Andrej K. • April 16, 2015A shopping mall around main train station in Riga. They have Rimi supermarket and various small shops. For bigger Rimi you could always visit Olimpia on the other side of river.
Paula Z. • April 7, 2012Actually there isn't a lot of stuff to do. If you go there, then probably it's because of the food only
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