The spa is wonderful and luxurious, but there are really no good shower rooms, so do your hair washing at home. :) Also, drink service can be very slow (30 mins) so prepare to wait.
Top-quality SPA procedures: ESPA is an International Company at the most prestigious level of the SPA industry, genuinely committed to inspired natural products and treatments.
Getting worth over the time. Reception not following that coffee machine is out of operations and teapot is empty. Pool is not clean at eves (seen it full of paper tissues at least 2 times)
Цена посещения на 2,5 часа - 20.03 LVL / 28.50 EUR. Включает 18-ти метровый плавательный бассейн, бассейн с подводным массажем, сауну, Sanarium, лабиринт с душами.
Wow, patiešām! 10 no 10! Beidzot arī Latvijā bez Dikļu pils ir vēl kāda vieta, kur par visu ir padomāts. Super- bija katras tur pavadītās minūtes vērts!!!
The six floor spa includes a stunning swimming pool, pool bar overlooked by a Sanarium & Rock Sauna. Male and female relaxation rooms, Thermal suite and Fitness Studio including state-of-the-art Technogym equipment are all skilfully designed to offer guests and members an unforgettable experience.