Licking County Convention and Visitors Bureau: The Buxton Inn is the oldest continually operating INN in Ohio. Several ghosts allegedly haunt the Buxton, including former owners and inn keepers. Check in, hopefully you'll check out!
Licking County Convention and Visitors Bureau: Ghosts have been seen at the Interurban tunnel. A cemetery located at the upper end of the gorge is all that remains of a lost town called Claylick.
Licking County Convention and Visitors Bureau: Over the years, witnesses have seen apparitions and have reported the sounds of voices and footsteps in what appear to be empty rooms! At night, this is not a place for the faint of heart!
Licking County Convention and Visitors Bureau: These ancient Adena Earthworks are said to be haunted. Orbs are known to appear on photographs of the place. You may be lucky (or unlucky) enough to experience a spirit for yourself.
Licking County Convention and Visitors Bureau: Many reports of ghostly activity 100 feet from the flag pole in front of Slayter Hall occurred during the 1960s-70s. It is unknown what caused the spike in ghostly activity there to occur.
Licking County Convention and Visitors Bureau: Union Lake was re-named in the 1960s to Hell Lake because of the numerous sightings of the apparition of a young boy who appears just before sunset floating from one end of the lake to the other.