Ulysses S. Grant Memorial is one of Discover.

1. Ulysses S. Grant Memorial

1st St NW, Washington, D.C.
Monument · Southwest Washington · 11 tips and reviews

HISTORYHISTORY: This memorial to Grant, the American Civil War general and 18th U.S. president, was dedicated in 1922, the 100th anniversary of his birth.

2. Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool

W Potomac Park (btwn Lincoln & World War II Memorials), Washington, D.C.
Fountain · Southwest Washington · 77 tips and reviews

HISTORYHISTORY: The pool, measuring some 2,000 feet long, was built soon after the 1922 dedication of the Lincoln Memorial; both were designed by architect Henry Bacon.

3. Dulce Desserts

1207 Villa Pl (Edgehill Ave.), Nashville, TN
Cupcake Shop · Edgehill · 4 tips and reviews

PeoplePeople: It's where stars like Taylor Swift turn when craving something sweet! The bakery made the singer's birthday cake—a European chocolate butter cream cake with edible glitter!

4. United States Capitol

Capitol Cir (at E Capitol St), Washington, D.C.
Capitol Building · Northwest Washington · 205 tips and reviews

HISTORYHISTORY: The Capitol is among the most architecturally impressive and symbolically important buildings in the world. Begun in 1793, the Capitol has been built, burnt, rebuilt, extended, and restored.

5. The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW (btwn 15th St NW & 17th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Government Building · Northwest Washington · 512 tips and reviews

HISTORYHISTORY: Completed in 1800, The White House is the oldest public building in Washington, DC and has been the home of every president except George Washington.

Washington Monument is one of Discover.

6. Washington Monument

2 15th St NW (btwn Constitution Ave NW & Independence Ave SW), Washington, D.C.
Monument · Southwest Washington · 344 tips and reviews

HISTORYHISTORY: The Washington Monument was formally dedicated on February 22, 1885, and at the time of its construction, it was the tallest building in the world; it remains the tallest stone structure in the world.

The Exorcist Steps is one of Discover.

7. The Exorcist Steps

3600 Prospect St NW, Washington, D.C.
Scenic Lookout · 43 tips and reviews
US Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima) is one of Discover.

8. US Marine Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima)

US Marine Memorial Cir, Arlington, VA
Memorial Site · 83 tips and reviews
US Department of the Treasury is one of Discover.

9. US Department of the Treasury

1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW (at 15th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Government Building · Northwest Washington · 24 tips and reviews

HISTORYHISTORY: The current building was designed by Robert Mills and constructed over a 33-year period beginning in 1836. It is the oldest departmental building in Washington.