Travel + Leisure: A go-to spot for the city’s literati, Café Sperl has intimate, velvet-lined booths and is the ideal place to linger over the newspaper and a piece of Sacher torte.
Travel + Leisure: A must-stop in the Naschmarkt with a line around the corner on Saturday mornings for to-go items such as freshly baked pita with black sesame seeds and zucchini-and-goat-cheese fritters.
Travel + Leisure: In the first district’s historic Hotel Sacher, a black-tie-clad waitstaff serves flutes of champagne and glasses of Ottakringer ale in a grand dining room with plush banquettes.
Travel + Leisure: Zum Finsteren Stern specializes in updated regional classics such as tender chicken breast with parsnip-beet hash. Book a table in the cobblestoned courtyard outside the front doors.
Austrian Restaurant · Kärntner Viertel · 93 tips and reviews
Travel + Leisure: Gasthauses—or taverns—have long been known for staples such as veal schnitzel and Wiener Würstchen (sausages). Pöschl is among the best. In summer, tables spill out onto the Franziskanerplatz.
Travel + Leisure: Nothing is more relaxing than a walk through the French Baroque gardens on the grounds of the Belvedere, Prince Eugene of Savoy’s 18th-century summer retreat.