"Worst Law Firm ever!! David always has to be reminded of what your case is about. What an incompetent lawyer! He drops the ball when it matters most & doesn't tell you about court dates! Then bails"
Law Office
· Las Vegas, United States
"Go to Kendrum best hair stylist ever"
Hair Salon
· Milwaukee, United States
"The heavier set black lady in the deli is rude"
Grocery Store
· Glendale, United States
6.0"Best apple store experience I have ever had. Great sales person he was so helpful friendly and quick"
· Glendale, United States
7.6"Starting a new life back in WI"
Home (private)
· Whitefish Bay, United States
"Sorry Candace Campbell voted best stylist in Vegas is truly the best :)"
Hair Salon
· Las Vegas, United States