"Смешанные впечатления. Но стало лучше, чем я помню. Надеюсь, проект с новым зоопарком наконец осуществят и у зверей станет больше места и подальше от центра города."
· Санкт-Петербург, Россия
7.0"Just got the idea why everyone talks about Mario at this venue."
"There's a big food shopping space right under the square, including Carrefour supermarket"
"Lovely shopping street. Coin trade center represents a wide range of brands."
"Profiterole dessert from daily menu is beyond compliments! ;)"
"Very modern hotel, breakfast is lovely. But don't be fooled by the close location to airport: it os is still a 15-minutes walk to get there because of the highway crossing."