Easy Wine

Easy Wine

Wine Bar$$$$
Vecrīga, Rīga
  • Tips
    Dana F.
    "Good choice of wines by the glass"(2 Tips)
    Olga L.
    "special wine dispensing machine"(2 Tips)
    Irina S.
    "Very good service!"(10 Tips)
    Tiina P.
    "wine bar every day 💜 Good selection of wines and tapas."(4 Tips)
Tips and Reviews icon50 Tips and reviews
  • wine
  • trendy
  • good for dates
  • good for singles
  • good for groups
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  • Olga L.heart icon on user image
    Olga LutsaySeptember 14, 2016
    Came with friend for a dinner and some wine, and were surprised by the way this place giving you the chance to take the wine yourselves (with a special wine dispensing machine) Definitely recommend!
  • Katerina K.
    Katerina KuvMay 8, 2016
    A lot of different wines, sometimes it changes, you can choose and try everything (50/100/150 ml) or to buy a bottle. Outdoor seats, cozy, trendy, good for group, friendly staff
  • Katerinaheart icon on user image
    KaterinaJanuary 6, 2017
    What an interesting concept wine self-service machine! Gives one a chance to try a number of quality and expensive wines in small portions (from 50 ml). Excellent bruscetta sets. Good service.
  • Annika S.heart icon on user image
    Annika S.March 27, 2017
    Friendly service and a nice place to taste some wines. Quite a small restaurant. On Friday evening we didn't get a table for 2 so we booked one on Saturday morning for the same evening by e-mail.
  • MK X.heart icon on user image
    MK XTJuly 23, 2016
    A well thought out selection of wines served through an automatic dispenser (doesn't sound sexy, but work very well) at a reasonable price, accompanied by a selection of local and intl appetizers.
  • LiveRiga
    LiveRigaOctober 23, 2015
    The first self service wine bar in Riga, where guests can choose from more than 60 sorts of wine. Also available - different salads, pastas and desserts.
  • Lheart icon on user image
    LFebruary 8, 2016
    Don't be put off by the boring decor! It's such a fun concept, you'll have a great time. If you like sweet wine go for Dr Loosey (white) or Luis Righetti Recioto (red). Avoid weekends.
  • Zhabenya
    ZhabenyaFebruary 22, 2018
    Very interesting self service experience, big variety of wines for any taste. Try several tapas, also pretty good
  • Irina S.heart icon on user image
    Irina SemovaJune 3, 2016
    Great choise of wine and main dishes. Very good service! But don't forget to book a table since it might be crowded in the evenings.
  • Goksel T.heart icon on user image
    Goksel TanOctober 14, 2018
    Lovely choices of wine. You’re gonna enjoy the extended varieties as much as you can handle 😂🍷
  • diana a.heart icon on user image
    diana auzinaJuly 7, 2016
    Been here 5+ times
    Good wine, excellent food and great staff. Ideal for dates and friendly get-togethers
  • //appetissimo.blogspot.com
    Now in my blog you can find about this place. My advice- wine here, food in other place.
  • Кристина Р.heart icon on user image
    Just perfect! Try all bottles and curry soup👌
  • Kristaps S.
    Kristaps StikutsAugust 29, 2017
    50+ wine dispenser with 50ml options. You can turn into wine expert without breaking a bank. Great attitude from staff. A+ for enjoying wine
  • Lauren M.heart icon on user image
    Lauren McSAugust 27, 2015
    Over 60 wines to choose from, pick up a card, and taste as many as you'd like. Prices vary depending on the wine and how much you pour ;)
  • Dana F.heart icon on user image
    Dana FadeevaSeptember 5, 2016
    Good choice of wines by the glass and very tasty plate with Latvian cheeses
  • Maria K.
    Maria KolodkoApril 29, 2019
    Friendly stuff and creative concept. Yes, they serve 60 types of wines, very basic selection, 1/3 being Italian🍷
  • Dany P.heart icon on user image
    Dany PApril 26, 2016
    One of the most friendly places in Riga :-) Just try!
  • Greg E.heart icon on user image
    Greg ElkinbardSeptember 1, 2018
    Good tapas. Very good wine from around the world
  • Iryna T.
    Iryna TratsiukFebruary 14, 2016
    Lovely place! Good atmosphere, friendly staff and tasty wine! Everything was amazing.
  • Iida Kaisa U.heart icon on user image
    Iida Kaisa UrmJune 22, 2016
    Great desserts! Try the lemon tart! 😍😍😍
  • Neel H.heart icon on user image
    Neel HajareMay 25, 2019
    Really excellent—both on wine selection and food
  • Artem M.heart icon on user image
    Artem ManoyloDecember 27, 2016
    Must visit to taste different wines. Good "meet" bruschetta set.
  • Tiina P.heart icon on user image
    Tiina PiekkariJuly 15, 2016
    Oh, I could visit this wine bar every day 💜 Good selection of wines and tapas. Perfection.
  • Anne S.heart icon on user image
    Anne SavaApril 8, 2016
    Brilliant idea! You get to try new wines you wouldn't normally order.
  • Lotte L.heart icon on user image
    Lotte LaustsenOctober 12, 2015
    Great wine, cozy environment! Easy concept for tourists.
  • Nils S.heart icon on user image
    Nils StrandbergNovember 16, 2019
    Wine list is ok... nothing fancy but decent variety... food, would recommend to take it somewhere else, good produce just lack of love on the delivery
  • Aigars M.heart icon on user image
    Aigars MahinovsJune 19, 2015
    40 wines sold by glass at wonderfull prices! Cute snacks
  • Axel M.
    Axel MalmströmSeptember 1, 2016
    Cool system for wine. Friendly staff
  • Dachuks ..heart icon on user image
    Dachuks .February 3, 2016
    Been here 5+ times
    Absolutely love the concept!
  • Marja N.heart icon on user image
    Marja NykänenJanuary 2, 2018
    Try the pasta!
  • Siri V.
    The tapas we had was horrible.
  • MK X.heart icon on user image
    MK XTJuly 23, 2016
    Self-service wine bar
  • Lars B.heart icon on user image
    Lars BrawermanOctober 16, 2015
    Cool place)
  • Anton R.heart icon on user image
    Anton RassadinJanuary 16, 2016
    Self-service wine bar. Choose a portion starting from 50ml and enjoy. The also have a nice menu of food.
  • //appetissimo.blogspot.com
    60 wines..wow..take much money with you )) .. cuisine is rather good
  • Natasha M.heart icon on user image
    Natasha MarkevichusDecember 24, 2015
    Интересное место! Вино по системе самообслуживания-можно налить 50, 100, 150 мл. Выбор вин очень большой, в меню есть интересные закуски, можно попробовать устрицы
  • Inna B.heart icon on user image
    Inna BaskakovaJune 13, 2017
    Дегустирование вина - как развлечение . Необычный концепт винного бара построенный на самообслуживании и возможности попробовать широкий спектр вин. Вернусь сама и советую друзьям!
  • Natasha Z.heart icon on user image
    Natasha ZaytsevaNovember 28, 2016
    Все вино,которое пробовали,очень вкусное! Сложно ограничиться одним бокалом еще и из-за системы карточек,которые оплачиваешь на выходе из заведения (уже пьяный 😂). Приятная и в меру шумная атмосфера
  • Сергей Н.heart icon on user image
    Система такая: дают карточку, на ней 50€. С ней можно попробовать любые из представленных вин, создать свою винную карту, так сказать. Блюда нужно заказывать у официантов. Крайне рекомендую!
  • Darya S.heart icon on user image
    Darya SudbinaSeptember 20, 2015
    Большой выбор достойных вин по бокалам! Можно дегустировать от 50 мл, например, сравнить рислинг разных регионов и стран. Хорошо представлены вина нового света. авто-система налива вин развлекает.
  • Epishina L.heart icon on user image
    Epishina LenaJanuary 19, 2016
    Концепция нам понравилась. Наливаешь сам, выбирай по вкусу, по цене, по рекомендациям...как хочешь. Закуски отличные, есть даже паста и десерты.
  • Oheart icon on user image
    OJuly 25, 2015
    Интересный концепт винного бара! Можно дегустировать любое вино независимо от его цены, бокал вина (50 грамм) получается от 1 евро! Отличный ассортимент вин!
  • Roman N.heart icon on user image
    Roman NazarovNovember 30, 2018
    В целом неплохо, но перекос в сторону красных вин. Шампанского нет - только БдБ от Drappier. Тем не менее, это место - одно из лучших в городе для любителей вина. Рекомендую!
  • Maria M.heart icon on user image
    Maria MunaevaJune 26, 2016
    Концепция крутая, позволяет попробовать разного вина. Персонал всегда готов помочь с выбором. Брускетты очень вкусные
  • Andrew N.heart icon on user image
    Andrew NikolskyJuly 3, 2015
    Отличный концепт: самооблуживание, много разного вина, порции от 50 мл. Цены от 50 центов, есть хорошие выдержанные вина.
  • Катерина З.heart icon on user image
    Чудесное плато антипасти за 18 евро, огромное количество деликатесов в одной тарелке! Огромное количество вин.
  • I Z.heart icon on user image
    I ZavOctober 10, 2019
    Вкусная еда и интересная система с автоматами для вина. Можно кучу всего продегустировать самостоятельно.
  • Валерия В.heart icon on user image
    Отличное место. Очень классная идея: сам выбираешь и сам наливаешь.
  • Mariya S.heart icon on user image
    Mariya SheninaJanuary 7, 2016
    Интересная система самообслуживания, хороший выбор вина, только мало нового света;рекомендую))
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