We Like Coffe. Sweet escape for those who have to "engage" in political matters everyday. Sipping a cup of coffee near those politicians makes you realize: your coffee is firmer than your politicians.
SPBU Pertamina (Jalan Letnan Jenderal MT Haryono), Jakarta, Jakarta
Coffee Shop · Tebet · 80 tips and reviews
Rangga Oday: Need a lot of restless time? Just try The Iced Black Coffee. Need a lot of smile? Then try the Ultimate Blend Caramel plus Jolly Time Marshmallow that u brought from Bright aside, Sweeet !
Nusantara II, Gedung MPR/DPR RI (Jalan Jenderal Gatot Subroto), Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta
Coffee Shop · 4 tips and reviews
dewi n.rasyidi: Sweet escape for those who have to "engage" in political matters everyday. Sipping a cup of coffee near those politicians makes you realize: your coffee is firmer than your politicians
Wisma BNI 46, GF External Suite G.17 (Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 1), Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta
Coffee Shop · 76 tips and reviews
Belinda Kumaat: Order Double Shot Coffee Ice Shaken, on the rocks, light ice with extra whipped cream for total indulgence! This store makes the best ice shaken coffee :D
Surabaya Town Square, PL #P12 (Jl. Adityawarman No. 55), Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Coffee Shop · Sawunggaling · 35 tips and reviews
Tri Putra Gunawan: Buat penikmat kopi bisa cobain kalosi toraja dan kopi lanang toraja (amazing toraja).. Jgn lupa pake fresh milk biar rasanya tidak terlalu kuat apalagi yg mempunyai perut yg sensitif.. Enjoy !
Fajar Amiandaru: Minuman yg paling mantap di Pondok Kopi yg saya coba adalah Cream Coffee Float, rasanya pas sesuai dgn harga yg mesti saya bayarkan, patut dicoba