"Great drinks and great bar! If you drink too much, grab a cab. If you get arrested, call me: Attorney Dustan Neyland. 281-312-0155. http://greconeyland.com"
"Great for countrydancing and having some drinks! If you drink too much, grab a cab. If you drive and get a DWI, call me: Attorney Dustan Neyland 713-972-1100 www.greconeyland.com"
"Fun place to hang out with friends and hit some balls. If you drink too much, don't drive. If you drive and get a DWI, call me. Attorney Dustan Neyland. 713-972-1100"
"Great drinks and great bar! It's byob! If you drink too much, grab a cab. If you get arrested, call me: Attorney Dustan Neyland. 281-312-0155. http://neylandlegal.com"