One of the venues in town. If you like rock music or other underground stuff, you are at the right place. Table tennis, hammocks, chilling outside in the summer.
As one of Budapest’s premier places for rocking out to live music, this lively venue features stages inside and alfresco; the open-air tables are also a fine place to spend evenings.
Dürer hosts concerts, DJ sets, and various events. It has a pebbled garden, which is perfect for world-changing chats over a few beers and drinking till dawn. Read more
Dürer-kert is one of the most popular clubs in Budapest, due to it's youthful and welcoming atmosphere and for hosting all kinds of events: concerts, DJ-sets, tattoo festivals and so on.
This is where to go whenever you feel like having a break from the pretenders and the fakers of the night life. This is as genuine as it comes. Good shows this week
If you are looking for good concerts, Dürer Kert is one of the best spots in Budapest with a special atmosphere. Local indie and alternative bands play here regularly. More info at
This frequented venue offers plenty of concerts and DJ-performances, a cool crowd of regulars, and a huge garden with multiple bar counters and a grill kitchen.
Hatalmas hangulatos terasz, hotdogos, hamburgeres, DJ pult. A benti WC-k visszataszítóak, a kinti pultban pedig a bunkó pincércsaj sosem hallott a fütyülős mézes màlnáról.
Tágas kerthelyiségünk tavasztól őszig tart nyitva, közel 1000 négyzetméteren. Pétanque és ping-pongozási lehetőség, valamint kerékpártárolónk is elérhető.
A tágas belső fotelbár ingyenes wifi-vel, csocsóval, kivetítőn követhető sportműsorokkal csábít. A retro-ízlés garantált!