"Very Professional and quick! I didn't even know the place was there until I Googled it. They had the part and coupons on-line and I was in and out including an oils change in an Hour. Mngr was great!"
Auto Repair
· Jersey City, United States
"Staying at the HI Express and Suites and they let u use this gym in clouding TANNNIBG"
· Gahanna, United States
6.0"Mai Tai is the Stuff!!!"
· Monterey, United States
6.2"Riesling outstanding and the Non-vintage Bouquet is real tasty a blend of Muscato and Chardonnay"
· Carmel Valley, United States
8.0"Ok I was in the Delta Club with a co- worker he flys out of DTW and I fly out EWR he has Delta I United! What a Fucking difference in the staffing! United Total bitch attitude Delta so nice"
· DFW Airport, United States
5.7"Best Cable of any hotel I have been at. Your own cable box with multiple HBO and Showtime networks! Caught up on Weeds while here. A good thing as there ain't much else 2 do!"
· Nevada, United States