Like all the other sheep do not get in queue for RyanAirflights early as they use this opportunity to have checkin staff move down the line and have you go and get your baggage size checked!
For US flights, make sure you eat before going through the US Customs and Border Control. The food inside is the bare minimum - only small sandwiches and snacks.
If your airline uses terminal 2 and if you're planning of transferring in somewhere else like me, you can't use the self checkin machine to check in. And remember, check in line is extremely long.
US citizens clear CBP here. Go thru security (sans liquids), pick up your dufree, etc. Then go to customs security line (don't panic, spirits ok!), then proceed to the lines. GLOBAL ENTRY on the left.
Come here 2.5hours beforehand AT LEAST. Organization is very, very bad. Oh and also they are clever enough to CHARGE YOU if you want to take the “express line”….is this an amusement park or wtf? 😂😒
An International Driving Permit is recommended. Turning at a red light is prohibited. The use of a cellular telephone while driving is prohibited unless it is fitted with a hands-free device.
Several flights to the US through Terminal 2 go through US Customs Pre-Clearance here. But it's AFTER the airlinelounges and most of the shopping and restaurants.
Over the day, the cheapest way to get to the city centre is the 16a or 41 bus. It will cost you less than 3€. City express 747 is 6€ and a taxi will be around 25€.
Well functioning airport compared to some on the continent. Note for Aer Lingus passengers, you may depart from T1 despite check-in in T2 so leave 5-10 minutes extra for the walk!
SHITTY AIRPORT. Come 3 hours in advance, their security system involves lines of people OUTSIDE the airport and then more lines. Of course if you want to make it to your flight, you can pay for it.
Great meal deal offer at Boots on way to domestic gates: any sandwich + drink + snack €€3.99 or less. If you pick one of the 2 for 1 drinks you get 2 in th €3.99 bundle. Result!