Although good Airport and t I guess biggest one. Same time aged and requires lots of maintenance. Good if management works on ventilation and air conditioning. Emergency medical services not visible.
It's a really big airport with a really big mall/bazaar in the middle. To get to your flight fast, and avoid the pedestrian traffic, stay to the outside walkways near the gates.
Huge - but highly efficient and well run. Was hit by dense fog which caused some delays - not sure if that is frequent or not, but there certainly is worse places to wait in.
This airport will downsize its operation drastically as a result of one of two runways for maintenance,partial scheduled flights will be shifted to the new AlMkatoom airport,Jabal Ali, an hour away
One of the grand-est airports in the world. The word "Duty Free" is a misnomer. If you are planning to hit Starbucks, better get your dollars exchanged to Dirhams, 'cause th
Just thinking how peaceful it is sitting here waiting for family to arrive. Then I see a sign 'we limit announcements to improve your airport experience'. It does!
It certainly is a great airport. I only got in trouble with parking machines, because they don’t give change, when you replace humans by machines it should be at least the same level of service.
Poor planning in terminal design. May have to take a train, escalators, lifts to get from airplane to immigration. If in transit, best to use the lounge in Terminal A.
Not sure why people rave about DXB. Prepare for absurd Security theater & riding the bus. When they say “gate open”, it’s not the same as boarding: they pen passengers up in rundown seating areas