Historic and Protected Site · Śródmieście · 9 tips and reviews
Miasto Gdańsk: A must for all interested in history of the Polish liberation movement. See not only the Cranes, Solidarity Square and BHP Hall, but also Buffet Club, Wyspa Institute of Art and Subjective Bus Line!
ul. Długi Targ 43/44, Gdańsk, Województwo pomorskie
History Museum · Śródmieście · 15 tips and reviews
Miasto Gdańsk: The Artus Court used to be the meeting place of merchants and a centre of social life. Today it's a point of interest of numerous noble honorable visitors and a branch of the Gdańsk History Museum.
ul. Wały Piastowskie 1, Gdańsk, Województwo pomorskie
Office · Śródmieście · 2 tips and reviews
Miasto Gdańsk: The Greenie: one of the most wellknown buildings in #Gdansk In the centre of town at one of the largest junctions. Go to "Panorama" restaurant at the topfloor not only for meal, but also for the view!
Miasto Gdańsk: Visit a ship even if it has'nt sailed for years and is only an anchored museum. First creation of Polish post-war shipbuilding industry: transport ship "Sołdek" awaits for you at anchor on the Motława
Scenic Lookout · Śródmieście · 19 tips and reviews
Miasto Gdańsk: The highest natural elevation close to the centre of #Gdansk with a Millennium Cross on top. You can see the best part of the Old and the Main Town, as well as the shipyard with its tallest features!