Beware the small square table: it's so wobbly, my drink literally slid from one side of the table to the other - I was lucky I caught it before it fell off!
Go to DiFara around 5:45 pm so you're there when Dom opens back up at 6 (thus avoiding the line). Still wait about 45 minutes. Experience magical pizza goodness that's oh so totally worth it. Read more
best. pizza. ever. Push your way to the front of the crowd at the counter (the line isn't really a line) and order a pie -- it's often faster than waiting for a single slice.
$1 pizza shames this place. 1st two times here, badly burnt but at least ok where not burnt. this difara classic was a soggy mess uneven toppings, unsupportive crust. Best rip off pizza....
If you don't speak up, you won't get your pizza. You may think there is a line, but unless you assert yourself, someone else will get your pizza. Don't be a jerk though, its too mellow for jerks.
Get there early. Stand your ground in front of the counter and don't move. If you're not assertive, you won't be able to ever taste the most delectable slice of pizza. Welcome to Brooklyn.
$5 for a tiny, too thin, piece of garbage. I must be in the wrong difara's cause what i saw and got doesn't match any of the reviews I've read. keep your money & go elsewhere
If you want any chance at doing something else with your afternoon or evening, get there about a half hour before it opens. Order a whole pie; it's not worth the trip to get it by the slice. Read more