If you lose your wallet, don't lose your head too. The good people on hand at Dick's Sporting Goods Park (patrons or employees, it makes no difference) recovered mine and saved me a world of hurt.
GLORY GLORY COLORADO! Come over to the tailgate in the West VIP lot, then join us in the terraces or section 108, singing all match long. Click the link to sing along. Go Pids!!! Read more
Rapids reserve matches are a great way to get really close to the action. They play on the practice pitch behind stadium. Sit just off the touch line and hear EVERYTHING!
Always drive as far north as you can on Quebec, past the stadium, and turn right on 64th/Prairie Pkwy. Fastest way in and out of the stadiumparking lots. When leaving, go straight on 64 & hit CO blvd
This year Dick's Sporting Goods and the Rapids want to take you On The Road with the Rapids. Enter to win here: http://www.facebook.com/coloradorapids/app_414184558607676
The word "Colorado" is written out on both sides of the stands so that travelers flying in or out of Denver International Airport can see the stadium from the air.