Top 10 favorites places in Surakarta, Indonesia
Taman Balekambang is one of Top 10 favorites places in Surakarta, Indonesia.

1. Taman Balekambang

Jalan Balekambang No. 1 (Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani, Manahan), Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
Park · 93 tips and reviews

Sartika Dian N.Sartika Dian Nuraini: this is one of my most fav place where I can feed and play with many deers. The place is outstanding! dont forget to bring your camera cz you will need it to take nice picts... :D

Universitas Sebelas Maret is one of Top 10 favorites places in Surakarta, Indonesia.

2. Universitas Sebelas Maret

Jalan Insinyur Sutami No. 36A (Kentingan), Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
University · 105 tips and reviews

Sartika Dian N.Sartika Dian Nuraini: this is where I get schooling... dont forget to bring your bag with many books inside, help you with your nice and tidy suits, and of course bring your library member card! the library park is great!

Waduk Cengklik is one of Top 10 favorites places in Surakarta, Indonesia.

3. Waduk Cengklik

Ngargorejo & Sobokerto (Ngemplak), Boyolali, Jawa Tengah
Lake · 29 tips and reviews

Sartika Dian N.Sartika Dian Nuraini: This place=incredible, free entrance, cool panorama, and you can see nice sunset!please be ready for Getek, and sails! and of course a pocket cam inside your bag is a must!be with friends or alone! =)

Jalan Slamet Riyadi is one of Top 10 favorites places in Surakarta, Indonesia.

4. Jalan Slamet Riyadi

Jl. Brigjend Slamet Riyadi, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
Road · 53 tips and reviews

Sartika Dian N.Sartika Dian Nuraini: a number of events are held especially car free day every weekend... :D keep healthy! bring your sports stuffs and lets exercise!

Pasar Gede is one of Top 10 favorites places in Surakarta, Indonesia.

5. Pasar Gede

Jl. Urip Sumoharjo, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
Market · 79 tips and reviews

Sartika Dian N.Sartika Dian Nuraini: Bring your money coz this place provides Batik and traditional crafts... :D so cheap!!

Puro Mangkunegaran is one of Top 10 favorites places in Surakarta, Indonesia.

6. Puro Mangkunegaran

Jalan Ronggo Warsito, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
Historic and Protected Site · 43 tips and reviews

Sartika Dian N.Sartika Dian Nuraini: experience the historical journey of Javanese Cultural richness! dont forget to take some picts and write for your blogs!

Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat is one of Top 10 favorites places in Surakarta, Indonesia.

7. Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat

Jalan Mangkubumen Sasono Mulyo (Dekat Pasar Klewer), Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
Historic and Protected Site · 74 tips and reviews

Sartika Dian N.Sartika Dian Nuraini: once I visited this historical site, I wont ever forget anything about it.I like the sandparks inside the palace, it is told that the princess were always dancing there.dont forget to buy some crafts!

Jembatan Jurug is one of Top 10 favorites places in Surakarta, Indonesia.

8. Jembatan Jurug

Sungai Bengawan Solo (Jl. Ir. Sutami), Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
Bridge · 8 tips and reviews

Sartika Dian N.Sartika Dian Nuraini: this place is where I get so many things in life. Thinking, considering, imagining, daydreaming, and painting... I can do it under the bridge.. So be prepared with your canvas and painting stuffs!

Solo Grand Mall is one of Top 10 favorites places in Surakarta, Indonesia.

9. Solo Grand Mall

Jalan Slamet Riyadi No. 273 (Gendengan), Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
Shopping Mall · 422 tips and reviews

Sartika Dian N.Sartika Dian Nuraini: Hanging out with friends, shopping, and going to take care of your body?? you've to come with much money!!!

Ngarsopuro is one of Top 10 favorites places in Surakarta, Indonesia.

10. Ngarsopuro

(Mangkunegaran), Surakarta, Jawa Tengah
Park · 77 tips and reviews

Sartika Dian N.Sartika Dian Nuraini: I just love this place soooo much!