Come visit the travelers best friend at Hudson Books on the C concourse we have everything the help to coveys latest or game thrones what are waiting for come grab a book from the friendliest staff.
Little frequent flyer secret - security into Terminal A is at least :15 faster than the main security access. You can walk over the skywalk to the terminal & catch the tram to B & C gates.
If you have time Google about the Denver airport and the conspiracy theories. Will help you pass the time .. and creep you out as you look around the airport.
Security lines are hell on Earth on a Friday morning. Know how they say to arrive at the airport 2 hours ahead of your flight and you never do it? Do it. This massive airport is not to be effed with.
Security too long? Use the bridge security checkpoint for usually much shorter lines. Train will take you onwards from there if you're out of concourse B or C.
Security takes forever here. All gates go through one security area. Car rental is also time consuming--shuttles run regularly, but give yourself extra time.
Watch for Police speed trap after you pass the Blue Mustang going to the west parking lot 65, to 55, to 45, and then 35mph approching the parking gate. They hide by the "Jeppsen Sign"
Beautiful architecture, but security lines are long, the trammusic is cheesy, and the blue horse sculpture outside fell on and killed it's creator-- creepy! Wifi is free
If checkin in with FrontierAirlines on a buddy pass.... Be sure to wear a collared shirt and not a tank, or a pair of jeans with a hole in them and or shorts. They'll send you home!